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Every seat full, the entire windowsill the length of the room had people sitting on it, and people standing in the back. I lingered outside the door, talking with the other panelists, and then we turned around to go inside and it was packed. We got to the panel room, looked inside and saw about 15 hanging out waiting for stuff to start. That sense of being intimidated grew when I got to the conference and mingled and realized this place is just packed to the gills with intelligent, invested, awesome women (and a few men).

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I was stoked and a little intimidated to be on a panel with such awesome women. The panel was called "Breaking the Frame: Revitalizing and Redefining Reproductive Rights Media Coverage". We had Aimee Thorne-Thomson of the Pro-Choice Public Education Project, Cristina Page, author of How The Pro-choice Movement Saved America, and me. Kudos to RH Reality Check and especially to editor Emily Douglas for putting together a good group of speakers. Which gives me time to blog about my panel at the WAM! conference yesterday before I head out and see another panel. I should have slept in longer, since I functionally only got 6 hours of sleep, but sometimes I just can't sleep in, even in a nice, soft hotel bed surrounded by pillows, so I'm up.

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It suits the cheekiness of the average attendee. It's fitting for this conference, somehow. The building the conference is in-the MIT Stata center-really looks like this.

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